Day two of anchoring out in the busy 4th of July harbor found me with a mess on my hands. I had tried my new tray for sprouting and was less than pleased with the results.
It was day six, and looked about time to place the trays in the sunlight to let photosynthesis do its thing. I purchased stainless steel trays, trying to get alway from glass mason jars and avoiding plastic.

Unfortunately, after a couple hours in the sunlight I was worried that the stainless steel was cooking the spouts. I moved them back inside the cabin and decided to just harvest them. They were green enough after all.
Removing the sprouts from the steel mesh was a messy job. They came off fine, but I was sad to see all of the broccoli seeds that did not sprout wasted at the bottom. I put too many seeds in. I have followed Found My Fitness in her packing of the spouts, experimenting with quantity over the years. I attempted to do the same with the trays and it just didn’t work.
On top of the mess from removing the spouts from the tray, I still had to store them somewhere once I removed them. Maybe there is a way to just keep them in the trays in my counter, removing what I need when I need them? I tried to look up videos on YouTube, but none seemed to answer my questions directly.
I ended up putting them in a mason jar in the end. Maybe I should try the plastic sprouting cups? I don’t know. I’m going to attempt sprouting raw sunflower seeds in my trays next. I’ll figure this out!
The day was beautiful. Shane had the day off of work, so I used the opportunity to plug in my laptop and do some proofreading and organizing of my past travel logs.

The kids were loving the entertainment the seaplanes coming and going brought. Man, we’re there seaplanes! One after another landing right in front of us. The arrivals calmed down as the harbor filled up later.

The kids practiced with the electric engine on the PT Eleven. I got to motor all of us to shore in the afternoon. It was nerve racking with so many boats and wakes coming from all directions, but I kept my cool and so did Shane. Ha!
On shore Kelly spent some quality alone time, buying himself ice cream and playing bocce ball. I shopped and Wyatt and Shane toured the yachts at the dock.

It was Friday night, so I made pizza. This time I made Shane and I a low carb pizza with kale and broccoli, sprinkled with pine nuts and a rub packet for a green sauce. it worked out great for everyone.

At night Shane and I pulled up the dinghy and tidied up. Shane finished The Boys in the Boat, but I’m guessing he’ll be rereading it tonight. The kids passed out from fun in the sun.