Nice to Meet You, i'm Jennifer donogh
wife & mom
sailboat adventures
personal growth
I’m currently living aboard our 41ft sailboat in the Pacific Northwest with my family of four. In the past decade I have produced live streams, edited videos, built a community for young, female entrepreneurs, homeschooled my two boys, completed an endurance paddleboard race, taught dance, focused on personal growth, and walked a lot.
This is my personal blog. I’ll share what I’m interested in at the moment: curating my favorite ideas, sharing family adventures, and outlining solutions I’ve found to my problems that might help someone else.

Get To Know | Jenn
Recognized as a Champion of Change, by the Obama Administration
I love BARRE & practice the Lotte Berk method
My preferred lunch is a salad with sardines
I have watched the Marvel movie timeline in chronological order
Jewels by Danielle Steel is my favorite book
I raced my Stand Up Paddle Board 70 miles in just over 24 hours on the Puget Sound
You don't attract what you want.
You attract what you are.
– Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Productivity work
Many of my personal video work revolves around productivity and personal development. I was exhausted and frustrated by feeling stuck before I committed myself to making simple changes that reflected my priorities. I had done it in the past, but for whatever reason, lost my way.
If you’ve ever felt anxious over your mounting to do list that never seems to get any shorter, then I hope you’ll stick around. I became increasingly frustrated over goals that went unchecked. I share how I soothe the pressure of wanting to do everything at once using an index card system. I was introduced to the book Sidetracked Home Executive while working full time as a video producer with two young children. The book helped me see how I could keep a tidy home without going crazy.
Since then I’ve adapted the system to other areas in my life. I have made my own card set and have it available for download for you to pick right up with on Etsy.
I completed The Artist’s Way twelve week self-discovery program in 2020 and fell in love with morning pages in the process. Coupling writing with a long walk and some planning has been a game changer in my life.
My love of personal development began when I read Napolean Hill’s Think and Grow Rich. I love exploring topics on the power of the mind.