The new to us dinghy Shane picked up in Port Townsend is a PT Eleven Nesting Dinghy. It sails, rows, and motors. Shane has been rowing it since we picked it up and today sailed it for the first time.

Apart from sailing the dinghy the kids and I had a fun day in town. Shane brought us into town using the old dinghy. We unloaded at one of the city docks and were surprised by a sea otter! At first we thought it was a sick river otter. It wasn’t moving much and wasn’t frightened off by our approach. We assumed it couldn’t move, as the river otters we’ve seen in Port Townsend were pretty active. Shane took us further down the dock to disembark the dinghy. When he left we ran up to the upper level to get a better view. We were all excited to see big paws and a much bigger body and different fur to the river otters we came to know. The last sea otter we saw, unfortunately, was dead on the beach. So this was a welcome sight!

First stop in town was to the Port Townsend library. In Washington State you can get a library card in various systems, if you have one in your local area. The kids and I loved the Port Townsend library. It was a good walk from Point Hudson to uptown where it was located. I accidentally kept one of the books for the three months we were away. Thankfully we returned it with no fines!
We went to some of our favorite shops and picked up art supplies for the week ahead. One of the books was a dollar folding instructional. I’m hoping that with keep at least Kelly busy over our upcoming passages.

Shane picked us up at the end of the day and the evening activities commenced. Shane first took the sailing dinghy out by himself. I went on his sailing dinghy when we were in high school. I know this new boat brings back good memories of his childhood.
I made salmon burgers for dinner, then it was Wyatt’s turn to go out sailing with Shane. Wyatt told me he had so much fun even though parts of it were scary. He can’t wait to go out again. Both did comment that one thing they weren’t prepared for was how slippery the boat gets inside when water splashes in. Now they know!
Kelly and I took the opportunity to use the time for our workouts. He did his on the deck of the boat and the pilot house, while I did lower body barre in the galley.

After the sailing fun ended we did our Spanish lesson for the day using Pimsleur and called it good. The whole family practiced repeating words aloud together.

Other things happened in the day – work, cleaning, and Shane calling customer service for assistance with our batteries. We took fast, cold showers and I helped the boys wash their hair in the sink.
Before bed Shane reviewed the weather and currents with me. We made a plan for the day and slept really well with the improved conditions outside.