The morning started off slowly at Sucia, making pancakes while Shane prepared the deck for our departure. We left at 10:30, on schedule with the current.

The wind wasn’t great. We motorsailed most of the way, with Shane killing the engine as we got closer to Semiahmoo Bay to sail a bit. while he sailed I worked on my food inventory spreadsheet, making a shopping list from it.

The water today was amazing. So mixed up, but wow! The colors went from a bright emerald green to light green, brown. It was a sight to see! The sky was partially overcast again, but warm enough to be on deck in a t-shirt.

Once we reached our slip we decided to head out for lunch. Kelly was also able to go scootering, something he had been looking forward to.
I need to go grocery shopping, but am going to wait. We did go to a Safeway in Bellingham for a few items to get through Sunday with.
Going to Bellingham was a big reason for us to be back. We’ll be making a few trips there this week.

Our first trip there last night was to see the new Thor! I had read some reviews and was nervous before going. I don’t understand people, because that movie was so fun. We all loved it and had a blast seeing it in the theatre. When it ended everyone clapped.
We did a Marvel marathon during COVID lockdowns, each night watching the next movie in the timeline. We had the best time doing that, seeing movies we had skipped watching when they were released. Marvel movies and series will always be a go-to in our house from now on.