Shane woke up early to go around a few islands before we pulled anchor for Sucia Island.

While he was paddling the boys and I had the most amazing eagle encounter! Out of the corner of my eye it looked like something big had fallen from the sky. When I darted my eyes over I saw it was an eagle, sitting ready for takeoff after noticing our excitement in seeing it. I yelled for the boys to come see and we had fun watching it for the twenty or so seconds it was with us.

When Shane returned he opened his Father’s Day card and he took a quick power nap. I had made monkey bread for breakfast, a treat from our childhoods that only came out on special occasions. That morning I did some lower body and arms barre as my exercise. Barre is such a convenient workout in this small space and one that does not require jumping.
When we started off towards Sucia, Shane pointed out that the current wasn’t going to be doing us any favors today. It wasn’t a long way, but we motored the whole time. The boat moved this way and that as Shane maneuvered his way through the mixed up waves. He did great, only getting visibly frustrated once or twice.

The kids and I played with our new to us Spanish flashcards. They have a few different games you can play with them while you work on common words in Spanish. The boys chose go fish. I pulled out the dictionary to remind the kids how to look up a word in Spanish or English for the translation. Something I realize we can easily do using our phone now. However, still a skill worth being able to use in the future.
The game was a hit, the kids practiced asking for things and replying in Spanish. Plus, we picked up some new words, and the time passed quickly. Before we knew it we were at the opening of Echo Bay.

We met my parents for Father’s Day, tying up to the linear moorage. Grammy and Grampy’s boat, Sea Cat, was moored across from ours. Shane and my dad fashioned a plank to cross the lines using a paddleboard. We had a smorgasbord of Shane’s favorite lunch items on deck and then he got to work preparing to have fun.
Shane lowered the sailing dinghy and took Wyatt out for a sail. As they returned we could see Wyatt taking the keel, jibing in front of the boat to head in. He’s having so much fun growing in his sailing skills. Kelly impressed us all with his planks and sit-up routine after bringing a towel on deck to get them done. He FaceTimed his friends below deck and then joined Wyatt to play a game with Grammy in her pilot house.

My dad went out in his inflatable sea kayak and Shane went sailing on his own, returning with wet legs and feet.

Grammy and Grampy hosted us for dinner, grilling salmon burgers. We all love my mom’s potato and broccoli salads. It was a perfect dinner for the dads on a nice night. My brother’s family gave my dad a photo book of our Christmas trip to Disney World. Everyone had fun looking through it.

We spent the evening chatting and walked the plank back to Coco Mar for bed.

Wyatt has been scheming up a plan to record a flight simulator ambience to use at bed time. He made one, using his favorite bedtime music and was able to upload it to YouTube! Shane read The Boys in the Boat and we all went to bed.
I hope all of our family and friends had a wonderful Father’s Day, spent in whatever surroundings and activities you love the most!
Shane’s island circumnavigation day tally:
Waldron Island, Skipjack Island, Bare Island