You’re probably already investing your time and marketing dollars into video. Are you fully representing what best connects you with your ideal audience in your videos? Seth Godin’s We Are All Weird is my favorite crash course on the importance of embracing your “weird.”
I read the book when it was published back in 2011 and recently listened to it again on Audible. I even saw Godin in person when he was in Seattle touring for the book. His thoughts on “the masses” and education has had an impact on me to this day.
Most importantly, when it comes to your videos the book talks about focusing in on who you are serving. Think about the small segment of the market that only you can serve in the best way. Create your marketing (and courses) in a way that particular segment will understand, connect with, or be excited about.
Your ideal client or student that is your brand of weird will watch the video and share it. Why? By sharing the video they are sharing something about themselves with their followers. Their followers will get to know them through your work.
If you aren’t already subscribing to Audible I recommend signing up for their free trial. You’ll receive one credit, which you can use to purchase We Are All Weird for free! I love listening to Audible while on my walks. If you have run out of podcasts for the week from your favorite influencers, having a stockpile of audiobooks on the ready is a helpful resource. Plus, you will gain access to the Audible Plus catalog of unlimited listening to select audiobooks, Audible Originals, podcasts, and more.