In the midst of April showers, my goal is to continue to walk outside even if it’s in the rain.
I could walk indoors – even on our sailboat – with my stepper, using ankle weights while I walk in place, or doing a steps heavy Youtube video like one from Gina B.
Staying warm and dry is always preferable to me, but self-directed struggle and discomfort brings new insights into what I might be working through in my life.
Plus, a change in weather brings new perspective on the literal paths I’m otherwise familiar with.
Finally, passing others and sharing a chuckle together is a fun bonus.
To get pumped and ready to be wet I love a good rainy day song like Banana Pancakes from Jack Johnson, one that makes me want to jump between puddles like something from Diana Ross, or a funny podcast guest like Judd Apatow on Marc Maron’s WTF. I recently got new earbuds that announce themselves when they’ve connected to my phone, which is always fun. I only ever wear just one to be safe.
For years I had a water resistant coat that made me feel heavy and soaked while I walked. Wearing a fully waterproof coat now that we’re on the boat has taken on a new level importance. I love coats with a big hood. My next coat will have a hood that comes well over my face, with the coat zipping to just below my eyes. I don’t like the sound of swishing pants and do everything I can to avoid wearing waterproof pants.
Wearing a breathable sweatshirt or sweater under my coat is helpful. Even better if the sleeves are long enough to go over my hands when I swing my arms. Never wearing jeans in the rain.
Last year I bought Nike sneakers made of gortex, something Shane encouraged me to do. It was much harder to find than I thought it would be. The sneakers were awesome at keeping out the water, but lame in the fit. My ankle high rain boots work great and are slip ons, making the whether to go out or not in the rain, one less step in the decision making process.
Merino wool sox that go above the ankles to ward off blisters is a nice edition. I have really thick ones I can still wear in the northwest spring. They keep my feet warm even if they get damp.
Topping off the outfit with a hat with a brim that covers my face and a tight bun to hide my hair. Frizz is still inevitable.
When I get back drinking a hot cup of coffee is essential. If the boys were with me, they love having cocoa. Making the boat cozy when we’re back with low lighting and even a Youtube ambience video is a nice touch.
Laying out my clothes for any easy change out of wet clothes makes the whole process more enjoyable.
And, while it may go against the pacific northwesterner manifesto, there is always an umbrella. Happy April!