Sunday, fun day! We slept in a bit as the sun came over the other side of the land, giving us a little extra shade. There was a nice breeze going. It didn’t take Shane long to jump in the dinghy and go sailing.
After spending what felt like most of my day in the galley on Saturday, I had vowed to not make any meals on Sunday. Spoiler alert, my cooking and dish washing ended up to be pretty minimal! I’ll show how I did it in a bit.

To begin with, Wyatt and I spent our morning getting crafty in preparation for celebrating our nation’s birthday. Shane and Kelly went out sailing.

I try to do a minimal decor theme for every holiday. After seeing a number of 4th of July banners at the grocery store last week, I wanted to make our own. We used left over cardboard from last week’s Amazon order and paint from our Santa Clause driftwood ornaments. I cut and Wyatt painted the pendants. I need to find some kind of twine to string them up and we’re ready to celebrate!
Right before lunch Shane pointed out that whales were at the opening of the cove again! We grabbed binoculars and went out on deck. There was a parade of whale watching boats following them. There was at least one juvenile orca. They’re so beautiful. The boats trailing them made me think of the paparazzi and celebrities. Shane questioned whether or not the whales were irritated by being followed.

For lunch I had some Almond Flour store bought tortillas I used for smoke salmon wraps. Sprouts, avocado, a little Mayo, some pine nuts and we were good! The boys had the same, just deconstructed with the tortilla being an avocado and nutritional yeast smash wrap. Everything else on the side. Two dishes to clean. Fast and easy.

After lunch we went to Little Sucia as a family for Wyatt to swim. Full neoprene was absolutely necessary! I did a fast dunk in the water for a little cold water therapy. I don’t think it did much, because I couldn’t stay in very long at all. Brrrr!
We combed the beach, finding crabs, sea glass, and fun shells. Shane found peas growing on a log that he snacked on. He and the boys played a game where the set out logs with rocks on them to see how long they would stay on the logs. Power boats would whiz by with their wakes. We would get excited to watch the “rock buddies” travel over the waves.
I paddled around the rock cliffs. You get mesmerized looking at the rocks peaking out of the water and along the cliffs. I need to look up if Randall Carlson has commented on Sucia. He has a few lectures on the probability of a large scale, fast moving flooding event carving out the Puget Sound and eastern Washington that I find interesting.

For dinner we had the beans I made from yesterday with jasmine rice, left over veggies, nutritional yeast and for the adults, sriracha and some salsa.

One more sunset in Sucia before we headed off early in the morning. Shane had packed everything up with Kelly, checked the oil, and was ready to go. We munched on popcorn I popped in a pot with a little coconut oil. Then, went to bed. Summer is off to a great start.