I wrote my travel log for Tuesday and it disappeared within minutes of leaving my computer. Why?! “Being out” on the boat, in terms of away from a power source and reliable service, has a learning curve attached to it. And, the most effective way to grow in my understanding is through trial and error.
Get caught up on my Travel Logs here. I also am editing videos of our experience on the boat on YouTube here.
During the day we have our system pretty well flushed out for work and homeschooling. However, at night we turn off the inverter and at times are on the go. When did I used to get most of my “work” done? At night.
I wrote the post that vanished on my notes app on my computer, that was plugged in while we were underway. Since then, I’ve found out I can use my WordPress app offline and it will still save and be able to edit. I’ll do that next time. I’m writing this on Thursday morning connected to shore power with super reliable WiFi. I should do a couple trial runs before spending time on another log that goes away.

My six year old laptop needing to be plugged in to work on it is another thing I will need to solve. Or, we will get solar, clouds will go away, and I can continue to push my old trusty to the brink.
Apart from my log woes, we motor sailed up to Blaine Tuesday night. There was almost no wind, so it was more like motored with our sail out. The next day we did the car shuffle game and are settled in for two months of launching for the islands from here and continuing to prepare the boat for our next adventure.

Laundry was a bit of a struggle here at Blaine. There are two washers and dryers for the entire marina. It’s not a large marina, but it is summer and pretty bustling now. The kids and I ended up walking to town with our bedding to wash. I was able to get a free washer for some clothes later on. I look forward to washing clothes while out on the boat now that we can (fingers crossed) line dry our clothes. I guess we need to hurry up on our ability to make water too. It’s always something, right?

Wyatt and I stopped by a zero waste shop too! Living Pantry is a reduce, reuse bulk shop on the main street of Blaine by the Canadian border. I got so excited. I’ve never been in a shop dedicated to helping you be more mindful of your consumption. While there I picked up some mosquito repellent and a laundry spray.

The boys and I hit up the library while waiting for laundry to finish. We were pleasantly surprised by the warmth of the librarians and their selection of books for the kids. I used our Bellingham library card to check out some books. Kelly got a book on fitness and Wyatt on jets.
Shane and I need to go over our plans for heading out again. He has been studying the charts and figuring out what makes sense with currents, wind, and now a new consideration (we realized we needed to factor in after Sucia), our ability to Pumpout.

So many things! It all keeps us on our toes. Lots of patience and faith that everything always works out for the greatest good in the end.