With our 4:30am departure time, Shane saw a couple of the planets lined up next to the moon. If you woke up early enough you could see five planets lined up with the moon. How cool! By the time I got outside only one planet was still lit up. Nevertheless, a beautiful sight.

The gorgeous sunrise kept getting better as we went on. There was no wind and the water was as smooth as glass in parts. Shane had planned our departure in mind of our schedule and also with the currents. We were cruising along at 8.5 knots, even after Shane adjusted our boat speed to 5.7 knots.

Our goal was to get a spot at Matia Island. Unfortunately, it was full. Shane still needs to paddle around that island. Plan B was Sucia so we headed over. We grabbed a mooring ball at Fox Cove. My parents were still vacationing on their boat, so were able to head over and join us.

After settling in the boys and I joined my parents for a paddle. A strong current pushes around Fox Cove, with debris that is fun to watch go in a swirl around the eddy. We eventually paddle boarded to shore to register and walk around the area.

There was a breeze and the temperature was just right. I made lunch, we ate, and then had some quiet time. The boys listened to audiobooks. Wyatt and I made him a little cozy reading nook in his bottom bunk he enjoyed.
I took my planner outside to work on next week’s fun, but feel asleep shortly after. A nice siesta in the afternoon sun was pretty incredible. Going back into the boat, I told him that today has made up for the harsh winter we experienced.
As we were chatting Shane noticed a seal had caught something. We couldn’t quite make out what it was. Right as I looked through the binoculars Wyatt and I saw the seal rip it’s prey and blood splattered over the water.
We both agreed it was like a scene out of National Geographic. Kelly, who had gone up on deck to get a better view yelled that the seal was eating an octopus. That made sense. It was purple and really stretchy. Boat school!

It was the end of the work day, Shane and the boys went paddling around Little Sucia and I tidied up the boat and prepared dinner. We had my parents over for smoked salmon salad and potato salad. I used my broccoli sprouts too! I made the boys pizza, with some veg on the side.

After dinner and a fun time chatting with my parents they returned to their boat and we went on a sunset row as a family. The sky was bright yellow and orange, making everything it came across a peachy hue. So beautiful.

It was a perfect night. When we got back we set up the salon with the sleeping cushion, added some twinkle lights, and divided the candy for a movie night.
Grateful for another day of living life purposefully.